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What are two attributes of high-performing teams? (Choose two.)
Answer : A, C
Two attributes of high-performing teams are:
They experience mutual trust. High-performing teams trust each other to deliver quality work, to support each other, and to resolve conflicts constructively. They also trust their leaders to provide clear direction, feedback, and empowerment.Trust is the foundation of effective collaboration and communication within and across teams12.
They are self-organizing. High-performing teams are able to plan and execute their work without excessive supervision or micromanagement. They have the autonomy and authority to make decisions that affect their work, and they hold themselves accountable for the outcomes.They also continuously inspect and adapt their processes and practices to improve their performance3
What is the appropriate Lean action to take once all of the expected value of an Epic has been delivered, even if all of the planned Features have not been completed?
Answer : A
The appropriate Lean action to take once all of the expected value of an Epic has been delivered, even if all of the planned Features have not been completed, is to close the Epic1. This means that the Epic Owner declares that the epic is done and no further work is required. Closing the epic frees up the resources and budget that were allocated to it, and allows the teams to focus on other value streams and initiatives.Closing the epic also enables the Epic Owner to measure the actual outcomes and benefits of the epic, and compare them with the expected ones in the Lean business case2. Closing the epic does not mean that the solution is fixed and cannot be changed or improved later.It simply means that the current hypothesis of the epic has been validated or invalidated, and that further work can be initiated as new epics or features if needed3.
1:Epic - Scaled Agile Framework2:Epic - Scaled Agile Framework3:Epic - Scaled Agile Framework
What is an attribute of a high-performing team?
Answer : C
An attribute of a high-performing team is healthy conflict. Healthy conflict means that the team members are able to express their diverse opinions, perspectives, and ideas in a constructive and respectful way. They also listen to each other, seek to understand different viewpoints, and resolve disagreements through consensus or compromise.Healthy conflict fosters creativity, innovation, and learning within the team, and helps the team to deliver better solutions that meet the customer and stakeholder needs12.
1:Creating High Performing Teams of Teams - Scaled Agile Framework2:4 Qualities of High Performing Teams You Must Know! | Turing
What is the Manifesto for Agile Software Development?
Answer : B
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development, also known as the Agile Manifesto, is a shared set of values and principles intended to improve software development1. The Agile Manifesto was created in 2001 by a group of 17 software practitioners who wanted to find a better way of developing software than the traditional, documentation-driven, and heavyweight processes.The Agile Manifesto states four values and twelve principles that guide the agile approach to software development, which emphasizes individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change2.The Agile Manifesto is not a specific methodology or practice, but rather a philosophy that can be applied to various agile frameworks, such as Scrum, Kanban, XP, and SAFe3.
1:Manifesto for Agile Software Development2:What is the Agile Manifesto? | Agile Principles and Values - ProductPlan3:The Agile Manifesto - Project Management Institute
Which statement is true about Lean-Agile development and contracting?
Answer : A
The true statement about Lean-Agile development and contracting is A. Quality is built-in through collaboration and automation. Lean-Agile development is an iterative and incremental approach to software development that emphasizes flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement. Quality is not something that is added at the end of the development cycle, but rather something that is embedded throughout the process. Lean-Agile teams collaborate with customers and stakeholders to define clear and testable acceptance criteria for each work item.They also use automation tools to perform frequent testing, integration, and deployment of the software, ensuring that the solution meets the quality standards and compliance requirements12.
1:Advanced Topic - Agile Contracts - Scaled Agile Framework2:Government - Building in Quality and Compliance - Scaled Agile Framework